Position Changes Discussion
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Author:  TurfToe [ Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Position Changes Discussion

I need to pick the brains of you avid position changers out there.

Is there any benefit to changing a player to their new position in the rookie year before training camp versus playing them in their current position for a few seasons before switching them over?

I am contemplating the correct use of my 2 rookie OLB's that I drafted specifically to convert one to DE and to play the other at OLB.

However, the one I intended on playing at OLB moves just as well to the DE spot as the one I intended on changing.

Now my dilemma is whether to keep one at OLB for 2-3 years until Malachi Johnstone gets old/retired/traded and then move him over or move him now for development purposes but get less use out of him during his rookie deal.

Any insight, comments, and opinions welcome.

Author:  Ushikawa [ Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Position Changes Discussion

For a defensive player I can't see any benefit as Positional Experience would be the main reason to do so. Other than for roster minimums, subbing, Mentors etc. it likely would be best not to change him at all.

Mildly exploitative here but you may find that the resign number is lower when he is a LB as opposed to DL.

Will give you a nightmare scenario just for fun although I don't think it would apply for you here... in another league with an underweight T, think I changed him to G in year 3 and he was like 40/75 and he just didn't increase again eventually the potential went away and he ended up a 40 player so I think the note in the help file that if you want to change, do so early is good advice.

Author:  Vitostallion [ Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Position Changes Discussion

I have had success doing this either way -- changing them before TC and a couple seasons later. most with CB to FS/SS and DE/DT conversions.

For OLB to DE, move the stronger player DE -- I'm trying it with OLB Summers but I think it's gonna fail as he is only got a bench of 20 whereas DE Shapiro who was formerly a OLB converted without any issues with his 35 bench score.

Author:  Vitostallion [ Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Position Changes Discussion

oh, I see both are at 24 bench...I like Brock's bars more even though both have the right size to play rush end.

Nice picks btw

Author:  Ushikawa [ Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Position Changes Discussion

the bench this is a good point, I have long suspected that moving to a "heavier" could be more problematic than might appear although who really knows

Author:  TurfToe [ Thu Sep 05, 2019 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Position Changes Discussion

Yes, both players are very similar in size, combine performance, and bars.

After converting both of them the game has Chester higher on the Green Page screen, but I am not sure if that means anything.

According to the bullshit bars that haven't been unmasked yet, Cheaster's front side numbers gain more relative to Brock's during the switch. Again, an iffy change to a bullshit number but relative between the two players in question. Just not sure it means anything.

The other significant difference is Chester is 48% developed and Brock is only 28% developed, so I am leaning switching Chester and leaving Brock at OLB for now. I just don't want to ruin a potential stud.


Author:  Ushikawa [ Thu Sep 05, 2019 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Position Changes Discussion

The only other comment I would make is that I think Play Diagnosis is more critical for a LB than a DE and it is also a waste to have Brock not rushing the passer every down

Author:  jah [ Fri Sep 06, 2019 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Position Changes Discussion

Super jealous that you got not one but both of those guys.

Author:  TurfToe [ Fri Sep 06, 2019 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Position Changes Discussion

Super jealous that you got not one but both of those guys.
I really wanted Avery as my LB project this season, but I saw these guys as both potentially the best DE's available and after having to pick one at 1.32 I couldn't take the other off the top of my list for the early 2nd.

I just thought it would be easier to decide which to move and which to keep as my LB project once I got a peek at their bars. Turned out to be the same player, so I may have to wait until Judgement Day to figure out which one to move.

Author:  Raven Hawk [ Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Position Changes Discussion

I would wait until judgement day to move. At least you then are looking at unmasked bars. Plus, as rookies, they are not getting much "experience" in training camp. It can easily be made up with playing time and future camps.

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